Yes, I can change

 If you can not change, you can not win. 

My travel towards win via changing myself .

Turns , ups and downs 

This is life. This is the real taste of life. It is not an easy cake. It is a cocktail of many incidents. Manytimes unknown to us before taking birth. Even sometimes looks mircale, but not so. It happens, it takes many turns, ups and downs. Life is not an easy thing to understand. It is not an easy thing to know why one is successful and the other is not ! There may be a different face behind the curtains of a carrier which looks as a super successful. It looks that a person has got success easily. It may look that a person is always wining. But that is not so. Lots of failures are behind almost every success ! Unsuccess is behind almost every success ! No one has master the wining formula quickly and easily. 

Life is a....

Life is a long chain of sudden changes. Everything in this universe is changing. Nothing is stable. Change is invitable in life. If you think that a situation is so , then it is not to be so in the next moment. It can take any shape. Sometimes it is even unpredictable. Unprediction is the most dangerous aspect of life. It is a tricky playground with a wet surface. A person who wants to win must take these changes into consideration . 

Just change yourself but how...?

If you really want to win , you just can't go and play as you want.  The game is not always in your hands. The game of winning is ever-changing. You have to mould yourself according to the incidents taking place or the situations which arrise. It is not a straight path. Many thorns are in the way. You have to give your hundred percent. The field may be different where you want to be successful. You may want to win in quick time. But you may not. People around you , may be jealous of you and may put obstacles in your path of progress. That is where you may face a bunch of difficulties. 

Change is the starting point of winning 

When the road is not proper or when it is rough, you have to look for something else for your steady travel. You have to see what you have and what is against you that goes wrong. You have to view your own weak points. Weak points is the area which demands change. You have to overcome all your drawbacks to win. Here comes the process of change . You have to remove everything that can stop you from wining. It is mainly from within you as well as from the outside that the changes have to take place. It is making yourself more and more perfect to win . If you can not change, you can not win , because you have not made yourself capable to win. This is the importance of change. 

So say yourself, " Yes , I can change " myself , of course, to win ! Also watch the video in this regard .


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